Peruvian Body Wave, 20" 22" 24" +20" Closure, Natural Color

Peruvian Body Wave, 20" 22" 24" +20" Closure, Natural Color

Peruvian Body Wave 20 22 24+20inch Closure, Dyed Color, Sunber Hair Wholesale

Peruvian body wave 20 closure 20, 22,24 inch bundles. I love the hair. I have bleached 3 times and toned! Curls are gorgeous. The body wave actually stayed for a little bit after dying. I blow dry it & style it I have no problems! Only problem I have that the closure could be bigger in size! Condition it weekly! Third time ordering! I love Sunber hair!

Size 20" 22" 24" +20" Closure
Color Natural Color
Part Design Middle Part
Logistics USPS

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