Wigs have gradually taken over our lives, but apart from daily care, why are some wigs fluffy and natural while others are frizzy and slightly abrupt? Is the permatease in your wig working or messing with it? Read on to learn how to make better use of permatease.
What’s Permatease In A Wig?
Permatease can be understood as permanent teasing, a common component in wigs that is designed to add structure and volume to a wig, giving it a fluffy and natural feel and preventing it from lying flat on the scalp. But there are also some negative effects of perfumes, when it brings unnecessary volume and texture to a human hair wig, the wig becomes difficult to manage and has an odd appearance.
Perfumes tend to appear on the top of the wig, consisting of longer wigs covering short, tangled hair to give it lift, or longer wigs with the roots lifted or curled to hide the mesh cap and add volume to the hair on the top of the head to make it look more natural.
How Does Permatease Work?
Permatease comes in a variety of forms, curly or straight, and is usually located at the hairline, parting area, and top of the wig. It is attached to the bottom of the wig to provide some spatial structure and support, thereby adding volume and a fluffy and natural feel to the overall hairstyle appearance.
Some people are happy about the effects of permatease while others are worried. However, in order to better enjoy the fashion and beauty brought by wigs, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of permatease and take targeted care of it.
Maintenance and Care of Wigs with Permatease:
After understanding how permatease works and its pros and cons, you can easily deal with all the problems it brings.
First, about avoiding the adverse effects of permatease:
Since the main purpose of permatease is to increase the volume of hair and make it more fluffy, but if it makes your light-colored hair look like it is flying in the air, it is time to use some spray or water to gently spray it, and it will become smooth after a period of time.
If your wig is lifted up by permatease, don't panic, it will gradually become natural after a few washes.
Here are some tips for caring for or taming the permatease to make your wig more and more natural:
Once the shortcomings of the permatease are overcome, you can enjoy the wonderful wig-wearing experience that it brings.